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The overflow hole in the sink.

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Chanced upon this timeless article from an old Axis magazine quite some time ago, and finally, we have some time to share it with you today …

This hole in a sink is like a substitute player for the drain hole that takes the main role. It watches, bored from the upper deck, with its mouth open, as the heroic act of the leading character is displayed in center stage. Just because it doesn’t actually have to go on stage, it can’t be irritated and close its mouth. To be fully prepared for those unexpected situations, it has to stand by without sleep. That’s why we can’t blame it for yawning, or sighing once in a while. But when someone plugs the drain, the situation changes drastically. Staring at the steadily rising water and feeling like backing off, it has to stand firm for the crucial stage as there’s no substitute for the substitute, and starts gulping while fully prepared to drown if necessary. This is the moment when its unceasing effort finally pays off. Looking at the water flowing into this hole, though, gives us the illusion that the water takes a different route from the drainpipe to be hushed up in a black hole. The key player that saved us from the peril of flooding is now applauded and a small Cinderella story results. Take a snap shot of its proud moment flanked by the faucet and liquid soap dispenser. It now looks like a different “person”.

- Text by Nobuyuki Imai

- Photo by Hisakazu Shimizu

Axis Vol.112 ,December 2004

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